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GulfAlive Family Music CD
kids music songs for children bp gulf oil spill cleanup Cajun music The Banana Plant

Nominated for a 2012 Grammy!
 Best Children's Album, GulfAlive

A homegrown, fun-filled songfest that brings to life the creatures, culture and character of the Louisiana Gulf Region. For kids and adults who live young.


Click a song title to hear a sample.
1.  The Pelican

2.  Everything Starts with Plankton

3.  No Walruses in the Gulf    PLAY THE MUSIC VIDEO FOR "No Walruses in the Gulf"

4.  The Crab Song

5.  The Ibis, the Egret and the Heron

6.  Albért Alligator

7.  Life on the Half Shell

8.  Green Anole

9.  Every Drop of Water

10.  Little Creatures

gulf alive songs of Gulf Animals BUY NOW 1/2 OFF! - JUST $4.98 INCLUDING SHIPPING!

Way down South in the beautifully exotic tropics of the Louisiana Gulf Coast region, life is abundantly full. Full of alligators, pelicans, egrets, crabs, turtles and fish of many species. The creatures are delightfully interesting, in the wild and on the plate. This GulfAlive children's music CD creates an awareness for the creatures and culture of the Gulf region. Get to know some exciting friends and flavors of the Gulf…spiced just right with New Orleans funk, Cajun waltzes, island rhythms and more.

A portion of the proceeds generated by the sale of GulfAlive benefits Gulf Coast restoration through donations to the Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana.

Give your children this exposure to this unique and colorful part of the country with this lively kid's CD. For kids and adults who live young.

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